Added Sorvena's character, not an epic introduction, but she will get good parts.
From deeper in the caverns, she steps approaching her vacant chair,
Entering the room, Sorvena takes her seat, sweeping back her hair,
“Midnight feast looks wonderful, a good hunt I see.” Sorvena looks,
She smiles at the people who made it, rewarding her cooks,
“We have guests.” She notices, as Arayel smiles back,
“They are from the south of Unelibel.” Venault doesn’t mention the attack,
“As long as they are not from Unemire.” Sorvena doesn’t want to think,
“Unemire?” Nator wonders, as he swallows for his food to sink,
“I will explain later.” Venault offers as he sees Sorvena doesn’t want to talk,
Mistver and Miranda approach, smelling the food after their long walk,
“Welcome our crepter members.” Venault stands, offering a spot,
“Thank you.” Mistver sits with her wings knocking over a pot,
“Shit sorry.” She giggles, then starts eating as if not for a while,
Lorenzo touches Miranda’s wing, giving her a strange smile,
“Don’t touch me you filthy stink.” Miranda moves away,
“Please be patient.” Sorvena stops so she can say,
“I thought Crepters were the most patient species of all.”
Arayel says, “But we are of the East, also we aren’t as tall.”
Miranda explains, with her wings different looking to the rest,
“They look like Biraptor wings.” Lorenzo says, after being once at a nest,
“Yes they are, now shut up.” Miranda answers, giving him a glare,
“I must go.” Venault stands, leaving to go outside to prepare,
Everyone else, including Sorvena sit in sudden shock,
Watching as he leaves the cavern behind a rock.