The doors open and she enters the room,
carrying inside her the child in her womb,
ready to pop and flood ears with screams,
but this is what she wanted from her dreams,
knuckles to her back and a sigh before a bump,
from something miniature to this giant lump,
a foot presses across through the skin showing,
her friends comment and say she is glowing,
energy for two in each food she chews,
as some distant friends never heard the news,
then seeing her they greet and begin to talk,
while she feels better if she takes a walk,
asking who the father is but she keeps it held,
as the reason is a secret of how her stomach swelled,
moving outside and taking fresh air,
blowing winds pass through her hair,
a thief approaches and snatches her purse,
attempting to run but stops because of something worse,
he looks at her knowing she is a girl he knew,
then how long ago since her baby grew,
attempting to talk but the other girls hit,
beating him senseless calling him shit,
they leave him blooded and bruised in the street,
with the knowledge left of a child he will never meet.