Musical Death

The singing was bad and the music was loud,
the parents of the child told he was not allowed,
to listen to metal and heavy core rock,
all the avenues towards it they would block,
they wanted him to listen to soft meaningful songs,
because to them heavy meant it was all the wrongs,
giving him mellow songs from the heart,
some were nice and some were smart,
the lyrics were sang in a sweet voice,
he listened to them being his only choice,
as the days went by and his attitude changed,
even his bedroom was completely rearranged,
the parents were happy about their sons new way,
until the socializing the very next day,
he was rude and obnoxious to all the guests,
his father told him to be nice he suggests,
but this only fueled the anger inside,
to which the parents eyes opened wide,
among those songs and lyrics was hidden hate,
which fed into his mind and made him irate,
while inside the metal was suggestive good,
and this is why the parents misunderstood.