they buried his body long ago in the sands,
but now with the spells of a witch out pokes his hands,
you'd thinking it was revenge he would seek first,
when instead a beer was his only thirst,
the witch looks at him entering the bar,
as she watches through a window behind a car,
he drinks so much it pours back out a hole,
the witch begins to wonder she resurrected the wrong soul,
finished his drink the barman wants him to pay,
that's when the fun stars as the blood begins to spray,
breaking the tables and throwing a bouncer through the door,
the barman fires a shot wanting no more,
the witch watches as her man gets shot in the chest,
all he does it stand there wondering is that his best,
diving over and taking the gun to reload,
standing at the broken door was the winds blowed,
the witch claps with excitement as he looks over to see,
shooting her dead he walks on to be free.