petals of tree covered the shined gloss,
as the employee borrowed the car from the boss,
opening the door and scratching with the key,
tilting the mirror cracking so he could see,
turning the wheel and losing a cap,
while spilling a drink he left on his lap,
a pothole bumped and strange sound is heard,
the seat begins to smell like a fresh turd,
parking the car too close to another car,
so the other person comes and leaves a scratched scar,
driving up gutters and wheels no longer aligned,
doing things in the borrowed car that it was not designed,
now the boss asks for the car to be returned,
not knowing how many times the tires were burned,
stopping at the driveway to give it back,
the boss takes one look almost having a heart attack,
never cleaned and never taken any care,
driving around for months on the almost flat spare,
rarely used for work and lent as a favor to be nice,
against the wishes of his daughter who gave advice,
while the employee smiles saying thanks for the ride,
then requests a raise which is quickly denied,
not understanding that things need to be cared for,
the boss finds a reason to fire his ass out the door,
vowing revenge for being fired for no good reason at all,
threatening the boss that his company will fall,
telling his daughter all about this that night,
she picks up a bat wanting to make things right,
knocking down his door and beating the hell out of his smirk,
he learned a valued lesson to not be a total jerk.