Elder Dragons Decide
making his way to the altar of the dragon,
slowly up the cold snowy hills in his heavy wagon,
the horses breath clouds with each exhale,
moving slowest up the last part of the trail,
stopping before the steps to the circle shrine,
where the dragons talk, feast and dine,
he walks with stick in hand over the frozen core,
as the dragons venture closer wondering more,
"why have you come, wizard of below."
a deep voice of a dragon speaks for his eyes to follow,
"I come to seek your help in times of demons come."
the dragons all whisper making out what they say by some,
"men gave up on us long before your birth.
I do not seek their help as help for us was not worth."
the dragon in the distance largest of the old,
"Are you the dragon Napath, of the legend stories told?"
the wizard asks to fill this dragon with pride,
"You once were in alliance with humans, letting them ride?"
the wizard awakens thoughts once forgotten by his mind,
looking out from the hills the dragons thoughts were always blind,
thinking for not a moment more than he should need,
"I will assist you." the elder dragon Napath agreed.