Dreaming Wake

slept for too long under the covers eternal spell,
to where the places of beauty dreaming fell,
cloud like pillows comfort to never move again,
floating among the trees in a place with no pain,
streams of water pass giving a slight annoyance to their sound,
pushing further along nearer to solid ground,
seeing a little bird with wings flapping fast,
as he opens his mouth with a smile at last,
the sound he repeats as if he cannot stop,
trying to escape so the sound should drop,
it keeps ringing by the ear loudly repeating high,
flying to those comfortable clouds in the sky,
still the sound is pulsing and doesn't miss a beat,
why can't this sound be simple to defeat,
closing the dreamers eyes then imagine of a hand,
moving it over slowly to the night stand,
pressing the right button to switch off the alarm,
as now more dreaming can happen in the safety of the calm.