Burning Heart
the sight of you brings the gurgling stench of vomit to my breath,
sickening the nostril hairs of your reeking rot of decomposing death,
blinding my eyes of the needles stuck deep from stares of hurt,
scabs bleed repeatedly as the puss grows inside ready to spurt,
wrinkled with dust hardened in between in lines of trench,
turning my head to hold my nose at the overpowering stench,
coughing to release memories in sneezes reminded of you,
a sigh and a deep swelling burp burns the throat as it blew,
with a spluttering ass of spreading brown turns dark from white,
as a moment alone crouched in the corner relieves of your sight,
blank walls mask what is known there from a simple turn and look,
being a demon hidden inside that will never be written in a book.