a young evil girl walks outside with some seeds,
placing them into the ground away from weeds,
over time the plant grows tall,
in the autumn times she watches happy as leaves fall,
pushing the surrounding dirt to spread,
the roots push through the edge of the garden bed,
the girl now grown to a nice woman trims the tree,
an accident happens with a limb hitting her knee,
stuck outside with no one else to save,
she begins to crawl being harder but brave,
the other roots of the tree blocking her path out,
she calls for help with her loudest hours of shout,
crying from the constant intense pain,
as now the clouds begin to rain,
wetting the electrical chainsaw she used to trim,
the water soaks into the dirt creating mud around the limb,
turning pale with her blood draining fast,
zapping her body with the power cord at last,
she sinks into the mud slowly under deep,
now the tree plants her as a favour so cheap,
times pass again with home now sold,
with a story never to be told.