improperly dressed man enters the party,
smelling bad and being an ass smarty,
eating the snacks alot like a pig,
then putting his finger in his ear to dig,
all focus is on this ignorant man,
as he burps so loud while holding a beer can,
all others dressed in their black coats and white shirts,
and the women in gowns and long frilly skirts,
he waddles over and talks to one woman with a slur,
holding food and drinking with his eyes a blur,
she smiles polite looking around for someone to bail her out,
then he laughs spitting some food after a bad joke to shout,
in slow motion the speck of food flies down her top,
he feels embarressed at that giving his beer and food a drop,
putting his hands down to find that escaped bit of meat,
he pulls his out and licks it before gobbling to eat,
she is at first disgusted at his vulgar attitude with no shame,
but after their wedding some months later she now has his last name.