5 August 2013

New races and new ideas for existing races.

the serpents might be renamed to Serphins, as i have made them a combined dolphin and serpent together, or a new name entirely could be thought up.

another races related to the Biraptor, the bird creatures part dragon. these are more like crows/dragons, i called them Crowels. a darker opposite to the parrot featherish look of the biraptors (as i said i need to draw them)

Panthedators: a lion cat species except they are all black and grey with maynes. these i have not decided where i am putting them yet, but seeing lions and glow in the dark stripped giant panthomer tigers fighting might look good.

Lordzards: giant lizards as relatives to dragons. but these will be a wild species. i am not sure if they should be big or small.

The Bovacan: these are a different species all together, think of a wolf/bull and human mixed. i didn't want to have something like the tauren from world of warcraft. so i added wolf into that kind of look and made them a cleaner type of animal. they are noble like my Argamethasons. but don't want other races visiting.