5 March 2012

As most of you are aware, I'm writing novels based on a half dragon/demon creature i call NIN. seen in the youtube video i made in second life.

i am finishing my 3rd novel on it, and add people i know as characters into it, some die some live. I don't take other peoples ideas from other books, movies or games where i can. writing it all my own way entirely in poetry/simple english.

I am asking if people can think up some type of animal/human creature and if your not already in the book, ill make it based on you. capturing your personality.

I already have dragons, demons, fairy (crepters), panther (panthomers - simular to battlecat from he-man), dogs (flaming hounds/wolf), rhino/people (argamethasons - based on freemasons), cat/people (panthumans), dragon/people (drumans), demon/fairy, bird/dinosaur (biraptors), giant spiders (spidels) , evolving people (evolvers - they grow gills and flippers to swim) and various types of people with magic based on elements needed first, like need a spark to cast a fire spell and spit in your hand to cast a water spell. this is adding to my original idea of just a demon back in the early 90's to now a part dragon/demon making it a dreamon, also basing it in a medieval land but without the cruddy "sire" speaking pole up ass times. lots of sarcasm, and people have all unique personalities, i have 180 characters set for my 4th book. so if anyone can think up another race?

ill take all suggestions on board